Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Learner Engagement

I have been creating a powerpoint to begin work on my presentation. I do not know how to download it to my blog or if I can. I will keep trying. Any information will be helpful. I will give a short overview of what I have been working on. When I figure out how to post it to my blog I will do so.
Slide 1 is my title page- Online Learner Engagement
Slide 2 questions to be answered- Why and How
Slide 3 researched based instructional strategies that are appropriate for Distance Education.
Slide 4 constructivist method of instruction
Slide 5 anchored instruction
Slide 6 two types of researched based instructional models that give creditability to Distance Education
Slide 7 Distance Education is available to individuals around the world
Slide 8 Reference list,
I have many more slides to complete the presentation I am currently working on. I have been trying to find out how to download to my blog and will continue to do so. I have clipart on each slide. I am having issues creating a storyboard as well. Help!


  1. Hi Henry,

    I use camtasia to bundle and produce videos for posting. It is cool as it integrates itself withing power point so publishing your powerpoint becomes fairly easy. The software costs about $200 or so but I found it worth it with all the videos we seem to have to produce for these courses.

    Once you have the power point converted to a video file you can upload it into your blog when you create or edit a post.

    By the way, your blog looks great!


  2. You can save your ppt to a movie by converting the slides to jpgs (a save as command) and importing them into moviemaker. You can post that to your blog. Or, you can create a wiki where you can post your ppt and simply link to the wiki in your blog. That is probably easier...

  3. Peggy and George

    Thank you both for that information. I am feeling a bit more at ease about developing my presentation and completing my course work. Henry

  4. I am trying to figure it out myself. My brother told me to use Windows Movie Maker which he told me comes standard with Windows operating system. I checked it out tonight and it seems fairly easy to use. Will let you know what else I find out. In the meantime I am going to follow Peggy's suggestion and see where that leads.

