Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to engage learners

My presentation will be on learner emgagement which is critical to the success of Distance Education. What is the most effective method of keeping learners engaged? The blog I read concerning learner engagement raised some very interesting questions; such as how do we design for engagement? Today in Distance Education we must look at the intersection between education, teaching, learning and technology. There is another part of learner engagement which is self directed motivation. One has to be motivated to be successful when acquiring knowledge by Distance Education.There has to be some motivating factor or factors with self discipline, because it is the leaner's decision to succeed or not.Blog location;

Veletsianos, G. (2008). How do we design for learning engagement? It was retrieved from

The next blog I found on learner engagement was very interesting also. The blogger spoke of how learners can get distracted when they belong to collaborating groups to complete assignments or other activities. His suggestion is to make these groups passive, active and interactive. Groups should be exposed to issues unrelated to their immediate conversations. Blog site;

TechTicker (2008)educational technology, eLearning & emerging technology; retrieved from;

I also found my blog when I did a google search on my presentation topic. Blogging is new to me and I found this very cool. Anyone in the world on the net can read your blog.

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